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Ordering Visual CADD™

Upgrade Pricing

Visual CADD™ offers upgrade pricing to owners of previous versions of Visual CADD™ and competitive CADD products.  To qualify for upgrade pricing, during checkout you will be required to provide information about your upgrade qualifications.  Examples of information you can provide include any one of the following:

  • Visual CADD™ user ID and keycode from a previous version.
  • Order number for a previous online purchase.
  • Serial numbers from Visual CADD™ physical media, such as CD-ROM, its sleeve, and/or printed User's Guide.
  • Name, address, company, email address, etc., which we can use to search our customer records for your ownership of previous Visual CADD™ versions.  If purchased by a company or other organization, please be sure to give the name of the original buyer.
  • Serial number of qualifying software from Generic CADD or Auto CAD.
  • If you have any questions about your upgrade qualifications, please contact sales@visualcadd.net to learn about several alternatives we can use to verify your upgrade qualifications.

Volume, Educational, Student, and Other Discounts

Visual CADD™ offers discount pricing for multi-seat licenses, educational institutions, students, not-for-profit organizations, resellers, and others.  Please inquire by email to sales@visualcadd.net to learn about how to qualify for discount pricing.

Visual CADD™ Products

Product Description Add to Cart Price
(US $)
Visual CADD v9 New License Add to Cart $ 529.95
Visual CADD v9 Upgrade License Add to Cart $ 199.95

Download and Licensing

Visual CADD™ is available as an electronic download.  Either a new or upgrade license is required to use Visual CADD™.  A User ID/keycode will by issued with each license purchase to register Visual CADD™.  If you want the physical media of the flash drive, you would purchase a new or upgrade license and add the flash drive to your order.

Optional Flash Drive

Product Description Add to Cart Price
(US $)
Visual CADD v9 Flash Drive (non-Canada/non-US shipping) Add to Cart $ 64.95
Visual CADD v9 Flash Drive (Canada shipping) Add to Cart $ 46.95
Visual CADD v9 Flash Drive (United States shipping) Add to Cart $ 25.95

An optional Visual CADD™ flash drive with additional content is available.  The flash drive contains the Visual CADD™ installer, the complete symbol libraries, and about 250 complete house plans.  Both the Visual CADD™ installer and the symbol libraries are available for electronic download.  The flash drive is provided as a service to users with no, or slow, Internet connections.  When ordering, be sure to select the correct area for shipping.  Either a new or upgrade license is required to use Visual CADD™ which you would purchase above by adding to your order.